Tips and Rules
Tips to Enjoy your Bridge
At the start of a round:
Greet your opponents in friendly manner
Be sure you are sitting in the correct position, E/W or N/S
Be sure you have the correct boards
Inform the opposition of your basic system, “forcing club, strength of No Trump opening card, 4 or 5 card majors”
Count your cards face down, then look at your hand and sort into suits.
Don’t shift your cards from one hand to the other, or shift suits around after sorting. Keep it fanned and don’t shut it up or put it down on the table.
During the Auction:
Pause before making any call including Pass. If your opponent to your right has opened with more than one of any denomination or has made a jump bid, do not make any call until 10 seconds have elapsed.
If you pause for an unduly long time in normal circumstances, you may silence your partner if you pass.
Do not bid, if your partner passed after an unduly long pause, unless your bid is clearly permissible with your own hand. The onus is on you to show that partner’s pause did not influence your bid.
Bid and play without emphasis, do not vary the tone of your bidding.
Transfer bids over an opening 1NT are made by announcing “transfer” after your partner makes the bid
Alert your opponents to any call which is conventional below the level of 3NT. You only need to alert conventional calls above the level of 3NT on the first round of bidding e.g. 1♠ : P : 4♣(needs to be alerted)
When Using Bidding Boxes:
Do not hover over or fidget with the cards in the bidding box while considering your bid.
When an alert is required, the ALERT card should be taken from the box and making sure it is seen by both opponents, before being replaced in the box. The next opponent to bid can ask for the meaning of the bid.
If making a jump bid, first place the “Stop” card on the table to alert your next opponent that a jump bid is about to be made e.g a pre-emptive 3♥ bid.
Once you place your jump bid on the table, wait 10 seconds before returning the “Stop” card to the bidding box. This allows your opponent to bid “in tempo”, without undue hesitation that could convey information unfairly.
When your right hand opponent employs a stop card, wait for it to be removed before you make your next bid.
At the end of the auction, make sure the bidding is completed by having 3 passes on the table.
Leave the bidding cards on the table until the opening lead is made.
This allows declarer and both defenders to review and analyze the bidding. The opponent on lead has the opportunity to ask for clarification of the bidding e.g. the meaning of a bid etc. It also may help to prevent a lead out of turn.
Opening Lead:
Place the opening lead face down on the table, this prevents you leading out of turn
Your partner now has the opportunity to ask questions about the bidding. If they have none, they should say “Thank you” or “No questions” and you can turn your lead face up. Dummy can then be placed on the table.
Try to keep the board on the table, with North pointed in the correct direction, to ensure there will be no misboarding.
As Dummy:
When placing Dummy’s hand on the table and a suit contract is being played, the trump suit should be placed on Dummy’s right, Declarer’s left.
When Dummy, don’t play any card, however obvious, until asked by partner.
When Dummy, don’t look at opponent’s or partner’s hands or shift around on your seat.
At the End of play:
Agree the result before entering the score and lifting the cards that have been played from the table – this allows you to check the cards in the correct order, if there should be a problem.
Don’t take the cards from the board after they have been returned to it after play.
Penalties will be incurred if cards are misboarded.
Only move to the next table when the TD has moved the boards and asked you to move.
Calling the Director:
If anything should go wrong at the table, agree with your opponents to call the Tournament Director.
Let one player explain the facts to the TD and avoid raised voices that may distract other players at nearby tables.
Make the Tournament Director your friend – he/she is there to ensure everyone has a fair and enjoyable game.
More details are available in the annual CBAI Diary or from the rule Book – “The Laws of Duplicate Bridge”
Body Language:
Be aware of your own mannerisms and try to remain impassive so that you do not convey any unauthorized information about your hand.
Be courteous to opponents and to your partner.